Medical Services and Assistance

Medical Services and Assistance

“Mediocrity ends here”

Comprehensive Primary Care plus
Preventive care and management of general health issues are provided by our other branch Health Guard Hungary®. We provide urgent care for our established and registered patients.

Dental and Oral Surgery
In network dental and oral surgeons provide a wide range of services in Budapest and certain countryside towns. Emergency consultations can be initiated through our English speaking hotline. For all dental appointments arranged assistance fees will be charged, that vary according to the level of urgency, day and time of the services.

Emergency Contraception
Morning After Pill, the so called Plan B is urgently requested often on weekends and holidays. In Hungary, a doctor’s consultation is necessary for the prescription to be issued. We do it privately with compassion.

Medical Assistance (Patient Advocate Services, Concierge Medicine)
Available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. This is a special service for foreign citizens (non-Hungarian speakers), in case they need institutional medical services in Hungary. We can bridge the language and cultural barriers that often arise. Our physician will drive or accompany the sick or injured patient, and guide him throughout local health care institutions. We will work hard to ensure that the necessary steps and arrangements are taken so the best available evaluation and treatment in Hungary will be provided to our patients. Our physician will keep close contact with the treating physicians, and will act as an advocate for the patient.

Mobile Medical Services (House Calls, Home and Hotel Visits)
24-hour Urgent Medical Care is Available 7 days a week. Do not inconvenience yourself by driving or traveling to a clinic when you or your children are ill! Let our doctor come to you! Mobile Medical Service is a sensible option for busy individuals as well, who prefer the doctor visiting the patient at their home, workplace or other desired location. Evaluation and management can be accomplished on site in most cases. Prescriptions are given and recommendations for further care are provided. …

Prescriptions for Medications Lost or Advised by your Home Doctor
If you lost or ran out of your medications while traveling in Hungary, or the pharmacy wants a prescription from a local doctor to give you a medication, then contact us. We can issue prescriptions for the medications you regularly take or your home Doctor recommended you should use now.

Urgent STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Evaluation and Management, HIV PEP
We can provide urgent counseling and treatment when you are worried about an STD infection. We can prescribe HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) and supply bridging 3-drug combination treatment if you do not have time to get the medications from a pharmacy during your trip.

Urgent Teleconsultations
Often times you do not have the time to visit the doctor’s office. You may have only a simple issue to be clarified. Our telephone or other electronic consultations may your best option.

Travel Medicine Clinic with Urgent Services
Our practice is focused in this rapidly emerging medical specialty dealing with health care problems affecting travelers. The involved population of patients, such as tourists, expatriates as well as visitors of friends or relatives face special challenges in the host country. We can handle problems such as medications lost en route, fit to fly certifications, connect with your travel insurance company and transportation home. We  have physicians Certified in Travel Health®.

General and Trauma Surgery
Mobile Surgery Service with on site suturing and immobilization kits. High Tech Materials (such as Dermobond® tissue glue) for the best cosmetic and healing results. Outpatient office for urgent care with x-ray, special light splints and plasters. Ambulance transportation as necessary. Organization and coordination of admissions to our hospitals.

Radiology (X-ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI)
We have the availability for wide range of diagnostic studies including plain X-rays, Ultrasound, Computer Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Conventional and Magnetic Resonance Angiography. Evaluations can be done urgently based on our doctors’ recommendations.

Laboratory (Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology), Rapid testings on site
Blood can be drawn anytime, even in the evenings and on weekends. We may collect the samples in our laboratories, medical suites or even at your desired location such as your home or workplace. Urgent transportation of patients to the laboratory and delivery of samples are organized in a state of the art fashion. Some rapid tests can be done on site incorporated into the urgent evaluation and management.

Specialty and Subspecialty Consultations
Medical evaluation and management by specialty trained physicians are available: Allergy and Immunology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Ear-Nose-Throat, Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pain Management, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine, Urology.