PMSA Ltd. Company Data

Our Company Data

Business Registered Full Name:
Professional Medical Services and Assistance Health Care Services and Consulting Limited Liability Company

Business Short Name: PMSA Ltd.

Registered Brand Name: SOS Doctors.HU®


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Registration Authority in Hungary:
Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság; Budapest, Hungary
Company Registration Number in Hungary: 01-09-707580
European Union Tax ID Number in Hungary: HU12872022
Business Address in Hungary: Eszék utca 13-15, 1/1; Budapest, H-1114

Unique Provider Identification Number – ÁNTSZ, Hungary: 032827
Operation License Numbers – ÁNTSZ, Hungary: 5844/2008-I; 5844/2008-II; 6077-4/2008
Professional Liability Insurance: Allianz – 321476312

Registration Authority in the United States of America:
Corporation Bureau, Pennsylvania Department of State, United States of America
EIN in the USA: 98-0388939
Business Entity Number in Pennsylvania, USA: 3915321
Business Address in the United States of America:
C/o Werner & Co; 1011 Brookside Road, Suite 122; Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106