General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for all Payments

These rules apply to all type of payments including Transfer, Bank Cards, Barion and PayPal.

You (Your) means the Customer, Payer, that is making payment.
We (Us, Our) means the Payee, the Service Provider, and the Beneficiary receiving the payment.

Registered Full Business Name:
Professional Medical Services and Assistance Health Care Services and Consulting Limited Liability Company
Registration Authority: Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság; Budapest, Hungary
Company Registration Number in Hungary: 01-09-707580
European Union Tax ID Number in Hungary: HU 12872022-1-43
Business Address in Hungary: Eszék utca 13-15, 1/1; Budapest, H-1114

Contact us

We inform you about the exact amount that need to be paid by bank card, transfer, or on-line for the requested services. You have to pay this in the assigned currency.

Pre-payment, that is payment in advance may be requested in certain cases.

You need to give the billing party’s data in advance, especially if you want an invoice for a company name.

It is absolutely necessary to use the Reference Number we give to you before the payment.
Without this Reference number your payment may not be identified and may not be valid.
Additional administrative fees of 30-50 EUR may apply in such cases even for refunds.

The Reference number we gave you will be valid for only 24 hours after it was sent to you.
If you do not write the given Reference number punctually in the box, or do not make a payment within the given 24 hours time but later you ask us for another Reference number for payment, then We may charge additional administrative fees of 30-50 EUR.

The fees you will pay us are generally not refundable, even if you are not able to come to or show up for the appointment for any reason, as we invest our time and efforts in these arrangements.

At Our Company’s sole discretion we may or may not reschedule the appointment. Rescheduling may happen only twice and only within the first 6 months after your payment date. As a general rule, payments for most Urgent Appointments are not refundable and rescheduling may be done at Our own sole discretion.

We will send you an email or call you about the scheduled appointment after your payment was received.
You need to properly register for our services via email or using our on-line data forms. See Contact us.

You will get a full refund if We are not able to organize the requested and pre-paid services (appointment).

We may charge full fees for no-shows and cancellation. Additional charges may apply for lateness.

Certain Bankcard / Barion payments may occur via our associated brand Health Guard Hungary.
Online bank card payments can be executed via the Barion system. The merchant does not get and store bank card data. Barion Payment Inc., the provider of this service, is an institution under the authority of the Central Bank of Hungary, its license number is: H-EN-I-1064/2013.